It also mean I can separate my own work to some extent. In between teaching, firing/glazing and filling out application forms, I've started my own work after a long gap.
This will continue with the natural history theme. I've started things off by a visit to the National Museum of Scotland to look at and document the animal collections there. Various test pieces have been made to explore potential forms- lidded containers and surface imagery. The lidded container was used as a starting point after seeing a Victorian tobacco jar made from a rhino foot in Traquair House, and jars used to store specimens in museums. My versions of animal themed containers will be simplified forms and will make a more subtle reference to these sources.
All my new work now is project and research based. A lot of time is spent initially gathering source material, exploring and defining ideas, images and forms before beginning to make resolved objects. I've also bought a Victorian tanager bird to draw in the studio...